Fosston Essentia Dispute Update
Fosston City Administrator Cassie Heide was in studio to give an update on the current status of the ongoing Essentia Dispute. The city is heading into arbitration this Summer with Essentia in regards to Essentia cutting OB and other Core services in Fosston that breaches the contract between the two entities. During this process the Ob Task Force was formed. Heide explains further:
Recently a survey was sent out to many area residents that presented misinformation about the dispute matter that appeared to come from the County. Polk County made a statement assuring area residents that they were not involved. Based on the content it appears to be send by Essentia Health, with many of the questions seeming to be aimed at swaying public opinion. With all of the chaos and confusion caused by this survey, City Administrator Cassie Heide wanted to encourage people to contact the city office with any questions:
For any questions or to stay up to date with further information regarding the dispute with Essentia you can email to be added to their confidential mailing list.