Ice Cats Summer Softball: an interview with Josh and Shelly Koenig

Earlier this week I was able to talk to Josh and Shelly Koenig of an opportunity this summer for girls interested in softball. Registrations for the Ice Cats Summer Softball team are currently in progress and I had asked Josh Koenig how the team had started.
And it’s not just the Koenigs that coach the team.
As they said, they’re not just recruiting players but coaches too. Speaking of, I had asked them how much longer there is left to register for the team
You can register using the following link:
I then asked the coaches when the season begins officially where they talked about its flexibility.
We then talked about just how many teams compete in the league and the importance of player’s development.
He then expanded upon his belief of “living with no regrets”
We had also circled back to talk about the aforementioned flexibility of the schedules.
So, if you have any questions the Koenig’s let you know where to contact them.