Kelby Wins R&J Broadcasting Scholarship

Kelby Wins R&J Broadcasting Scholarship

May 30, 2024 --- School News - KSDM/KGHS News News -- KSDM-KGHS Sports News 0

Senior Golfer, Kelby Anderson was one of the winners of the R & J Broadcasting, Inc. Scholarship this year. This scholarship goes to graduating Seniors who are looking to pursue a career in broadcasting, marketing, and adjacent careers. So what is the field of study she is most interested in?

She has committed to attending Winona State and continuing golfing and to study marketing, So I then asked her what was it that drew her into the marketing field.

And she even got a bit of experience working with social media as she says.

Kelby was then asked about any other scholarships she has earned.

She also mentioned being surprised when she got the news that she won the scholarship.

With this being her senior year, Kelby Anderson was gearing up for the May 30th Section Finals at the time of this interview and I asked her what she was feeling towards this being her final year of high school.

Golf is a sport that had been in her life for the longest time and Kelby talks a little more about that.

The interesting part of this season is the fact that Kelby was the only girl on the Varsity team, but it is looking good for future seasons.

Kelby also mentions surprise at being one of the candidates for the 2024 Miss Minnesota Golf.

So when going into the preliminary meet for Sections what was her mentality?

And after she locked in, she would go on to finish first individually with a 78(+5) with a 6-stroke margin between her and the girl in second place.

Always the humble conference champion, the entire town of International Falls wishes Kelby the best of luck as she competes in the Section Finals