Lake of the Woods County Fair in full swing!

Lake of the Woods County Fair in full swing!

June 12, 2024 News News -- KSDM-KGHS 0

From June 12th-15th the Lake of the Woods County Fair will be in full swing with many fun activities and foods that Board President Robbie Hruby tells us all about.

There will also be extreme motor sports to watch!

And paintball too!

How long has the County Fair been going on?

After hearing about all of that, we had to ask him if he had any favorites.

So what time does everything open up at?

So if you’re needing something to do, then stop on by the County Fair, and don’t take our word for it just as Robbie.

So is there admissions to get in?

Robbie then talks about the other folks who are involved with in the County Fair Board.

So what else is there to look forward to at the Fair? Also where can we hear more about it?

Robbie also had this to share.

All of this is thanks to the generous sponsors who help with funding the County Fair.

So be sure to stop on by as the Lake of the Woods County Fair runs from June 12th to the 15th!