Operation Hours for Kettle Falls Portage Established 

Operation Hours for Kettle Falls Portage Established 

May 10, 2022 News -- KSDM-KGHS 0

Based upon current staffing the National Park Service and the Kettle Falls concession staff will operate the Kettle Falls portage seven days a week from 7:30 am until dark. This will include the new aquatic invasive species (AIS) decontamination process for vessels being portaged from Rainy Lake to Namakan Lake. Boaters wanting to portage are reminded there may be delays given that vessel decontamination can take 30 – 45 minutes. If staffing levels change through the summer this may cause the hours of portage operation to be reduced. Further press releases will announce any changes. 

The Kettle Falls concession was planning on opening on May 13. Given the current lake conditions opening may be delayed. For further information on operations contact (218) 875-2070. Once the hotel opens calls should be directed to (218) 240-1724 or 1726. Additionally, flood conditions may greatly modify or cause the closure of portage and AIS decontamination operations. 

Changes in portage operations, requiring AIS decontamination, is in response to the discovery of zebra mussel veligers (larvae) in Black Bay of Rainy Lake. Voyageurs National Park management now requires all vessels, regardless of size, crossing the Kettle Falls Portage from Rainy to Namakan Lake be decontaminated by trained staff. In addition, transporting vessels at Gold Portage will be allowed from Kabetogama Lake to Black Bay of Rainy Lake only.