Polk & Norman County 4-H Partner Up for Shooting Sports & Wildlife and Cloverbud Nature Exploration

Fertile, MN — For area 4-H’ers looking to get involved to Shooting Sports and Wildlife, Polk and Norman County 4-H are partnering up to offer the program together this year. Norman County 4-H Extension Educator Linda Houglum says there will be a joint kickoff meeting for Shooting Sports and Wildlife this Tuesday, April 19th at the Agassiz Environmental Learning Center for those who plan on being involved.
4-H Cloverbuds in both Polk and Norman County will also be teaming up for some fun nature exploration at the Agassiz Environmental Learning Center. Houglum invites Cloverbuds to a Nature Day Camp on Saturday, May 7th.
For more information, contact the Norman County Extension Office at 218-784-5550.