Sister Annella For Sainthood

Sister Annella For Sainthood

March 6, 2025 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

A nun from Moorhead who lived over a hundred years ago is being considered for sainthood. Sister Annella Zervas was born in Moorhead in 1900.  A letter from the Diocese of Crookston was sent to the Vatican on her behalf.  Father David Baumgartner of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Crookston tells us about Sister Annella.

Father Baumgartner says Sister Annella continues to inspire people decades after her death.

And suffering from that skin disorder didn’t stop Sister Annella from her work.

Father Baumgartner says the Diocese is still waiting to hear from the Vatican.  If Sister Annella is named a saint, she would be the first from Minnesota–and just the 12th from the US.  The Catholic Church recognizes more than ten thousand saints.