Dance and Tumble Performance on Saturday
The Ada-Borup-West Community Education has a Dance and Tumble recital performance this Saturday morning (4/29). Ada-Borup-West elementary principal Bree Triplett explains.
The Ada-Borup-West Community Education has a Dance and Tumble recital performance this Saturday morning (4/29). Ada-Borup-West elementary principal Bree Triplett explains.
When you travel to Washington, DC and New York City over a 30 year period, you’re bound to see someone well-known. In the final installment of our look at the Ada-Borup-West Close-Up trip, tour leader and teacher Dave Smart talks about people they’ve seen during their trips east. About 20 Ada-Borup-West students, Smart and his…
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In the second part of our series on the Ada-Borup-West Close-Up trip to Washington, DC and New York, Ada-Borup-West teacher Dave Smart talks about the changes he has seen since his first Close-Up trip 30 years ago. Smart says security is a great deal tighter now. Even with those changes, Smart and his wife Becky…
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A group of about 20 Ada-Borup-West students is back home after spending the last week in Washington, DC and New York City. Teacher Dave Smart, who led the tour with his wife Becky, talked about the trip. Smart says the students had a couple of common thoughts about Washington. As for New York City, Smart…
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Around 20 juniors and seniors from Ada-Borup-West High School will be in Washington, D.C. and New York City this week on the school’s annual Close-Up trip. ABW history teacher Dave Smart says this won’t be just a sightseeing trip. While in Washington, the Ada-Borup-West Close-Up group will also visit the Smithsonian museum. Then on Thursday,…
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Ada-Borup-West High School will be celebrating Minnesota Honor Society Week starting on Monday (3/20). ABW High Principal Josh Carlson says it’s something new at Ada-Borup-West. Charlie Scholl, a member of ABW’s National Honor Society, says there will be a special event on Monday. Another ABW National Honor Society member, Sam Melting, says each day of…
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On Friday, March 17, Ada-Borup-West High School will open a Reality Store. ABW High School Principal Josh Carlson tells us about the Reality Store. Carlson also says making sure kids are prepared now will help them be prepared in the future.
Ada, MN — The Ada-Borup-West School Board held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday morning, March 14th where they discussed calendar updates, staffing items, and more. Because of the hazardous winter, the district has used up all their E-learning days, along with some additional snow days. Ada-Borup-West Superintendent Aaron Cook says the board approved adding…
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Ada, MN — Juniors at Ada-Borup-West will get their first taste of one of the most important tests they’ll ever take this week. The ACT is a standardized test used for college admissions in the United States. The assessment measures high school students’ general educational development and their capability to complete college-level work with the…
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Ada, MN — The Ada-Borup-West School Board held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday morning, February 14th, where they approved purchasing a new football scoreboard and sound system improvements to their gym and auditorium. The board reviewed and approved quotes from AIM electronics for a new 8 by 18ft scoreboard and a 4 1/2 by…
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