Tag: Norman Mahnomen Public Health

Norman Mahnomen Public Health Hosting Expecting and Young Family Gathering. 

Norman Mahnomen Public Health will be holding a gathering for expecting and young families at the Twin Valley Splash Pad on July 25th. Ashley Braun of Norman Mahnomen Public Health shares the details.  Braun hopes that the event can help expecting and young families meet each other and form a community that can benefit them…
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July 24, 2023 0

Getting Outside Is Good For You

Now that winter seems to be on its way out, spending time outdoors seems more and more like a good idea.  Kim Myers, wellness coordinator at Norman Mahnomen Public Health, says it’s not just a good idea, it’s good for you. Myers goes on to say the benefits from being outdoors are more than just…
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April 26, 2023 0

Dealing With Flooding

Eventually, all of this snow we have–and are getting—IS going to melt.  Norman Mahnomen Public Health Nurse Tracy Johnson has suggestions for keeping water out of your house. Johnson also has advice on minimizing damage to valuables and keepsakes. If possible, Johnson suggests you help an elderly neighbor with clearing snow away from their homes,…
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April 5, 2023 0