Tag: Wake The Lakes Morning Show

Weird and Wacky Wednesday: “ND Woman Facing Criminal Charges In Raccoon Incident”

(Maddock, ND)  —  A North Dakota woman is facing criminal charges after setting off a statewide rabies exposure warning.  Erin Christensen brought a raccoon into a bar last week, prompting state officials to issue a warning about potential rabies exposure.  She’s accused of illegally possessing the animal and concealing it from law enforcement trying to…
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September 28, 2022 0

Aitkin Public Schools update with Superintendent Dan Stifter

Aitkin Public Schools Superintendent Dan Stifter talks upcoming Homecoming activities for next week, recent events, and the upcoming School Board Candidate forum:

September 28, 2022 0

Wake The Lakes “Moron Lawbreaker of the Week” 

A woman in the U.K. was arrested for drunk driving and couldn’t understand why because she explained to cops that she wasn’t even driving — her dog was.  47-year-old Melissa Jenkins Johanson was arrested after she drove on a walking path and crashed into a bus stop. She fled the scene and was later visited…
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September 27, 2022 0

Wake The Lakes Lifehack of the Week: “Quickie Lifehacks That Will CHANGE (or at least, improve) Your Life”

–Use a clothespin to hold on to a nail when hammering to lessen the risk of smashed fingers. –Put a wooden spoon across a boiling pot of water to keep it from boiling over. –Put freshly mixed pancake batter in an empty ketchup bottle that has a squeeze top for a no-mess experience making it…
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September 26, 2022 0

James Earl Jones Retires From Star Wars

(Undated)  —  James Earl Jones is retiring from Star Wars.  After 45 years of voicing Darth Vader, Jones announced he’s officially signed his voice rights over to Lucasfilm.  Now, sound editors will use archival recordings and an A.I. program to create new dialogue with his iconic voice.  This method has already been used in the…
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September 26, 2022 0

NASA To Crash Spacecraft Into Asteroid

(Washington, DC)  —  NASA is set to purposely crash a spacecraft into an asteroid Monday.  The so-called “Double Asteroid Redirection Test” or “DART” will test whether it’s possible to deflect a space rock on a collision course with Earth.  The over 500-foot asteroid known as Dimorphos poses no threat to the planet, but scientists are…
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September 26, 2022 0

Aitkin County Economic Development on September 23rd Community Connection

Aitkin County Economic Development Coordinator Mark Jeffers joined the show to give updates on the Communication Project help “brand” Aitkin County, the Community Grant and Child Care Grant Programs, and the newsletter that provides need to know information:

September 23, 2022 0

“Wake the Lakes” DIMWIT-ZZZZ-DUMB for the Day”

–Earth is like someone who knows exactly where to stand next to a bonfire. –The Swiss must have been pretty confident in their chances of victory if they included a wine bottle corkscrew on their army knife. –It kinda makes sense that the target audience for fidget spinners lost interest in them so quickly. –The…
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September 22, 2022 0

Weird and Wacky Wednesday: “Man walks into DQ with gun to give political rant”

A Pennsylvania man is facing multiple felony charges after he walked into a Dairy Queen with a handgun and said he wanted to restore Donald Trump as president.  Usually people go to Dairy Queen and just order a Blizzard, but 61-year-old Jan Stawovy had a much more unattainable request. It was also clear that he…
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September 21, 2022 0

Weird and Wacky Wednesday: “Minnesota Twins win domain name battle from Miller Twins”

The Minnesota Twins finally own Twins.com after 25 years of battling with twin brothers Durland and Darvin Miller. The Millers registered the domain name in 1995, three years before the league claimed MajorLeagueBaseball.com and five years before the league registered MLB.com. MLB and the Millers have had legal tussles over the domain name for years,…
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September 21, 2022 0