Twin Valley Police Chief Resigns 

Twin Valley Police Chief Resigns 

September 10, 2024 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

The Twin Valley City Council accepted the resignation of their Police Chief Jason Douville at their meeting on Monday night. Twin Valley Mayor Mike Bolton thanks Chief Douville for his 23 years of service to the Twin Valley Community, and explains what his resignation means for the City moving forward. 

In other business the council also heard an update from their engineers on the ongoing lagoon project, and how the project is progressing. Bolton tells us more. 

Bolton also says that the city approved the hiring of a grant writer to write grant applications for the city’s fire department. 

The final item on Monday’s agenda was the approval of the preliminary budget. Bolton says that the city set a preliminary budget of 10%, and he explains why. 

The Twin Valley City Council is scheduled to meet next on Monday, October 14.