Voyageurs National Park begins their Dark Skies Program

Voyageurs National Park begins their Dark Skies Program

July 19, 2024 News News -- KSDM-KGHS 0

Voyageurs National Park is excited to begin a fun nighttime program with their Conservancy branch which is centered around their “Dark Skies”. The Voyageurs Conservancy Education Specialist, Jesse Gates called into the studio and got to share more about the weekly program.

So how do National Parks, like Voyageurs, get recognized as an International Dark Sky Park?

He then lets us know of the ways Dark Skies have importance, with the first one being wildlife importance.

The next being its importance to us.

Then, there is the cultural importance.

And then there is the inspirational and creative aspect.

So it’s safe to assume that Jesse Gates has been doing these programs for a while, and he also loves to be involved with other events like their Star Party.

He then gives a heads up on all of the dates of the Dark Sky programs, starting on July 19th at 10pm.

He was then asked about the team and who all makes up the Conservancy team.

What are some other ways that Voyageurs Conservancy is hoping to grow?

And on the bright side, with the way the weather has been lately, rain won’t be an issue if it were to happen!

So make sure to plan a trip out to Voyageurs National Park to learn more about the Dark Skies it has to offer, and what you can do to help them stick around longer. The Dark Skies Program runs every Friday from July 19th-September 6th and always at 10pm.