Weekly DNR Conservation Officer Reports

District 9 – Brainerd area
Last updated: 2022-07-18
CO Jim Guida (Brainerd East) patrolled for all-terrain vehicle and boating activity this past week. He received a report and investigated a very large litter-dumping complaint at a local wildlife management area parking lot. Numerous bags of rubbish and filth were left behind. Information was located and the wrongdoers were interviewed and admitted their wrongdoing. In an effort to reduce their civil penalties, the violators assisted in the cleanup measures, which including bagging up their garbage in the 80-degree heat and stink while fending off the biting deer flies and mosquitoes. The reporting parties appreciated the follow up.
CO Andrew Dirks (CCSRA) spent time checking anglers, recreational boaters, and patrolling the recreation area throughout the week. Enforcement action included violations for insufficient PFDs on watercraft.
CO Calie Kunst (Crosslake) spent time checking anglers and boating activity throughout the week. Violations addressed included angling without a license, expired registration on watercraft and failure to display valid registration. Kunst also assisted with patrolling activity at the Emily Day Parade.
CO Chelsey Best (Pequot Lakes) worked on ATV, fishing and boating activities this week. Aquatic plant management complaints were also investigated, and numerous wildlife-related calls were handled.
Pine River vacant.
District 10 – Mille Lacs area
Last updated: 2022-07-18
CO Gregory Verkuilen (Garrison) checked anglers during the walleye-fishing reopener on Mille Lacs Lake. Vacationing bass and muskie anglers were also out in abundance. Nuisance-bear calls have been more frequent than usual for this time of year.
CO Victoria Griffith (Isle) worked angling and boating safety out on Mille Lacs Lake. ATV and OHM activity was also worked on Soo Line and Red Top areas. Complaints of jet skis chasing wildlife on Mille Lacs Lake were addressed. Griffith responded to an unattended fire containing prohibited material, and an ATV accident on the Soo Line. Enforcement action was taken on multiple ATV, angling, and boating violations. Griffith assisted with the law and ethics talk at a firearms safety class.
CO Dan Starr (Onamia) worked on nuisance-animal calls and a wolf-depredation case. Extreme heat caused people to stay indoors. Assistance was given to a motorist. A failure-to-transfer-ownership of a boat case was also handled.
CO Mikeena Mattson (Wealthwood) primarily worked ATV/OHM, boating, and fishing enforcement this past week. Time was also spent at a firearms safety class. She responded to an ATV injury crash in Mille Lacs County. Calls were fielded about nuisance bears, ATV questions/issues, wildlife harassment, and an injured loon.
Aitkin vacant.
Brainerd Conservation Officer Reports Crosslake Cuyuna Country SRA DNR Garrison Isle Minnesota DNR Onamia WEalthwood