6 Double-Headers in 7 Days! Rainy River Baseball Getting Ready

I had the opportunity to talk to Coach Josh Koenig of the Rainy River Baseball team, and we discussed not just the upcoming games this season but also of the team’s trip down to Arizona this past week. The team had been making the trip to start the season since 2017, but before that they use to go to Florida. Koenig had the following to say
Because of the weather not being the most generous it led to schedule changes that meant the Voyageurs would have to play double-headers Sunday-Tuesday, had a break from games on wednesday, then played double-headers Thursday-Saturday. Yes, that’s 6 double-headers in the span of just seven days. Fortunately, Coach Koenig is use to the weather messing with his schedule, and Mason Imhof the current LBF Baseball/Basketball coach and former player at Rainy River had voiced similar issues with the weather.
I then asked him if the cramped schedule had affected pitching rotations for the team and he said the following.
In a sense, This is like the team’s preseason week as Coach Koenig says,
Despite being so far from school, Koenig made a point that it wasn’t a vacation.
I then asked him about their next series of games, back to back double-headers against Western Tech on the 23rd and 24th.
He then shares the goals not just for this upcoming weekend but for the season as a whole.
Coach Koenig had lots of praise to give out to his team on their improvement throughout last weeks games.
And it wasn’t just their progress he praised, but their work ethic too.