A Colorful Weekend Lies Ahead for Ogema Days
Ogema, MN — It’ll be a colorful weekend in Ogema for their annual Ogema Days! Enjoy two days of fun hosted by the Ogema Community Club and other partner organizations. Ogema Days will have a theme this year of “Let’s Paint the Town” and people are encouraged to dress colorful throughout the weekend, according to Jamie Weigel of the Ogema Community Club.
A $50 prize will also be awarded at some point this weekend to the most colorful person.
Ogema Days gets off and running this Friday night with their softball tournament under the lights. Weigel says they often play LATE into the night.
A full list of events is on tap for Ogema Days this Saturday, including the 5K run, parade, car show, various kids activities, bingo, bean bags, and more.
Ogema Days wraps up with a street dance featuring 32 Below from 8:30pm until 12:30pm.
There will be food and shopping vendors in the park during the day in Ogema as well.
Search Ogema Days on Facebook for more information.