District 9 Conservation Officer Reports
CO Andrew Dirks (CCSRA) spent time checking anglers and ATV riders, and attending training at Camp Ripley throughout the week. Remember to check ice conditions often if venturing out on late ice. CO Amber Ladd (Aitkin) worked spring trapping activity and ongoing angling activity in the Aitkin area. She completed inventory work and vehicle maintenance.…
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Lakes Area Legislators Speak at Brainerd Chamber’s Eggs and Issues
(BRAINERD, MN) — The Brainerd Chamber hosted its first in-person Eggs and Issues event in two years on Friday, March 25. Chief among the topics discussed at the event were redistricting, the state’s $9.3 billion budget surplus, and the unemployment insurance (UI) trust fund. State Senators Paul Gazelka and Carrie Ruud and District Representatives Josh…
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Weird and Wacky Wednesday – Outdated summons for jury duty in York County sent by mistake
A county court in Pennsylvania recently sent out jury summonses to residents when they really should have sent them to time travelers. Residents of York County were very puzzled when they received notices asking them to report for jury duty on a date which had already occurred — in some cases, as far back as…
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Long-Term Facility Maintenance Going to Pillager Schools Spring Sports Upgrades
Facilities was a topic of our conversation following Pillager’s March School Board Meeting. Superintendent Mike Malmberg discussed plans for this year, including for spring sports. Bleachers and more had already been planned for. Long-term facility maintenance gave Pillager the opportunity to make upgrades. The decision was made to replace wood poles with steel poles for…
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Brainerd City Council Meeting from March 21, 2022
(BRAINERD, MN) — The city of Brainerd held its second regular council meeting of the month of March on Monday… The council approved road improvements to East River Road as part of its ongoing Mississippi Landing park project… Mayor Dave Badeaux says that the hope is that the project in its entirety will be complete…
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