Author: WWWI AM

Local Radio

Wake the Lakes “Moron Lawbreaker of the Week” 6-13-23

There’s been an uptick recently in the number of stupid tourist encounters with wildlife in national parks, so much so that it has spawned the new term… “touron” — which combines tourist and moron. The latest touron is facing up to six months in jail and a $5,000 fine for harassing a bear in Yellowstone…
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June 13, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZZ-DUM” for the Week” 6-8-23

–The kids of the future probably won’t make ‘Brrmmm brrmm’ sounds when they play with toy cars. –People who are born during the winter probably have more long sleeve shirts than people born in the summer due to birthday gifts. –Turbulence is the pothole of the sky. –You’re never aware of how much noise your…
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June 8, 2023 0

Northland Arboretum – Brainerd, MN 6-8-23

Lacey Doboszenski, Volunteer & Office Coordinator at Northland Arboretum, brings us up to date on the Northland Arboretum Firefly Festival which is their Outdoor Music Event happening on Saturday, June 17th, 5 to 9 p.m. She explains how easy it is to become a member of the Arb and all the benefits that go along…
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June 8, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “Moron Lawbreaker of the Week” 6-6-23

A Florida man is under arrest after he walked into a wireless store at 4 a.m. with a cardboard box on his head and made off with phones and cash. The crook used the box to conceal his identity as he smashed a glass display case and grabbed 19 cell phones. He also snatched up…
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June 7, 2023 0

Northwoods Arts Council of Hackensack 6-5-23

Lynn VanAllen, Music and Artists Coordinator from the Northwoods Arts Council of Hackensack, gives us a preview of the concerts, events and festivals coming to Hackensack through the summer months.

June 5, 2023 0

Wake the Lakes “Life Hacks for the Week” 6-5-23

Genius, But Simple Life Hacks: –For extra bag storage, you can connect two zip lock bags by flipping one inside out to make a larger one.– Put a rubber band around the inside of the pockets of your shorts and never have to worry about your phone or keys bouncing out on a run.–Use a…
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June 5, 2023 0