Category: News — KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ

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Bagley Participates In State One-Act Play Festival

BAGLEY, MN—For the sixth consecutive year, Bagley will be part of the Minnesota Class A One-Act Play State Festival Friday at St. Catherine University in St. Paul.  Marilyn Hood, the play’s director, talks about Bagley’s run of success. Bagley is performing “The Chair Play” by Alan Haehnel after receiving a perfect one-one-one score at last…
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February 8, 2023 0

Bunnies To Be Performed At Ada-Borup-West

ADA, MN—The Ada-Borup-West elementary school music program is putting on the musical “Bunnies” this Thursday night at the Ada-Borup-West auditorium.  Elementary music teacher Dorinda Blotsky talks about the musical. Blotsky talks about the cast. Blotsky says “Bunnies” will be the first opportunity to use new lights in the auditorium. You can see “Bunnies” Thursday night…
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February 8, 2023 0

Hillsboro City Commission Meets

HILLSBORO, ND—Monday night, the Hillsboro City Commission discussed making repairs to the city’s outdoor swimming pool.  City Commission President Levi Reese says the Commission has given permission to pursue a grant to help pay for the work. Reese was asked if there’s any estimate to what it would cost to repair the pool. Also at…
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February 8, 2023 0

UMN Extension Offering Nitrogen Smart Program & PPAT Certification on February 16th in Ada

Ada, MN — Nitrogen management continues to receive a lot of attention from farmers and the ag industry as a whole. Between the high prices experienced over the past few years and environmental issues, there is a lot to consider when making N fertilizer decisions. Building on the popular Nitrogen Smart program, University of Minnesota…
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February 8, 2023 0

Support Farm Families in Crisis by Supporting Farm Rescue During Giving Hearts Day

Horace, ND — More than 15 years and nearly 1000 rescues later, Farm Rescue is continuing to expand its mission to help out farmers in the Midwest experiencing injury, illness, or natural disaster. Founded in 2005 by North Dakota native Bill Gross, Farm Rescue has expanded from one state and just a few rescues in…
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February 8, 2023 0

City of Mahnomen Looking to Add Canoe Statues to Community

Mahnomen, MN — Taking a page from cities such as Detroit Lakes with their sailboats, Fargo with their Bison, and Pelican Rapids with their Pelicans, the City of Mahnomen is looking to work with a local artist to potentially add a series of statues that would be spread throughout the community. In this case, the…
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February 8, 2023 0

Watch Out for Tax Scams

Fosston, MN — With the new tax season underway the IRS reminds taxpayers to be aware that criminals continue to make aggressive calls posing as IRS agents in hopes of stealing taxpayer money or personal information. Mike Norland with the Polk County Sheriff’s Office says never give out personal information over the phone. Here are…
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February 7, 2023 0

REACH Looking for Support of Monetary Donations and Volunteers During Giving Hearts Day

Hawley, MN — Help support those in Norman and Rural Clay County this Giving Hearts Day by donating to the Rural Enrichment and Counseling Headquarters. Giving Hearts Day is held annually on the 2nd Thursday in February in North Dakota and Minnesota and offers a chance to give online any of 550 different participating charities…
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February 7, 2023 0

National School Counselor Week

Ulen, MN — This week is National School Counselor Week, a week dedicated to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems. National School Counseling Week, sponsored by ASCA, highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. Kim…
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February 6, 2023 0

Bagley High School takes home One Act Play Section Championship

There’s plenty to celebrate at Bagley High School after Saturday’s One Act Play Section Championship in Baudette, MN! Their play, entitled “The Chair Play” by Alan Haehnel, received a perfect 1-1-1 score from the judges, clearing the way for them to take home the section championship. The play is a metaphorical look at what human…
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February 6, 2023 0