Aitkin County Sheriff talks ATV regulations, safety
By Paul Vold kkin@rjbroadcasting.com (8/16/22) (Aitkin, MN) — With increased traffic on the roadways, the need for safety measures on All Terrain Vehicles or ATVs drew the attention of Aitkin County Sheriff Dan Guida in our monthly conversation. As the summer is winding down and visitors are getting their last minute getaways, Sheriff Guida did…
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Senior Bean Feed set for Friday, August 19 at Itasca County Fair
The annual Itasca County Fair Senior Bean Feed will be held at noon on Friday August 19 at the Trailhead Building on the fairgrounds. This event is sponsored by the Grand Rapids Jaycees this year and is FREE to those 55 and older. This event started in 1929 during the depression when local farmers wanted…
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Disaster Recovery Checks Being Delivered to Randall Area
LITTLE FALLS, MN—Disaster recovery checks are going out during the next two weeks to 32 Randall-area homeowners and two nonprofits hit hard by a June 23-24 storm that dropped more than a foot of rain and caused the Little Elk River to overflow its banks. In total, $83,500 is being distributed by the Randall Area…
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CRMC Cancer Virtual Support Group meeting on August 18th
People who are newly diagnosed with cancer, undergoing treatment or post treatment and their significant others are invited to hear Cuyuna Regional Medical Center Chaplain Mark Henson will make a presentation about how being spiritual can help patients cope with their diagnosis and illness at CRMC’s Cancer Support Group on Thursday, Aug. 18, from 12 to…
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Sen. Klobuchar on Inflation Reduction Act
WASHINGTON, D.C.—With Congress passing the Inflation Reduction Act last week, people involved in agriculture are wondering how the bill will affect them. Minnesota US Senator Amy Klobuchar was asked if money from this legislation will go into the next farm bill. Klobuchar says a big part of the Inflation Reduction Act is $500 million for…
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Norman County 4-H Prepares for Minnesota State Fair
Ada, MN — The Minnesota State Fair is about a week and a half away from opening the gates and Norman County Extension 4-H Coordinator Linda Houglum is encouraging those taking part to make sure to check out the local exhibitors and support those who are participating. Houglum says they’ll actually be bringing down the…
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Hillsboro School Board News & Notes from August 11th Meeting
Hillsboro, ND — The Hillsboro School Board held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday morning, August 11th. Staffing was a big part of this week’s meeting as the board approved a number of new hires, according to Hillsboro Superintendent Paula Suda. The school board also approved increasing pay for mini bus drivers from $10 per…
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