Aitkin Police Chief Paul Ryan on December 26th Community Connection
Aitkin Police Department Chief Paul Ryan joined the program to get an update on snow removal and parking ordinances with the City of Aitkin and looking ahead to 2023:
Wake The Lakes Lifehack of the Week: Hacks to Make Your Life Easier in the New Year
–Instead of scraping ice off your vehicle’s windows, try spraying it with a mixture of ⅔ cup vinegar and ⅓ cup water. Ice will melt right off. –Get rid of nighttime coughs by rubbing Vicks Vaporub on your feet and then placing socks over them. According to this, your cough will stop within minutes. –”Flying…
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Lakes Area Heroes 12-23-22
Isaiah Moengen informs us about a new non-profit in the area that he started called “Lakes Area Heroes” which helps raise funds to support our area’s local HEROES (“Law Enforcement, Fire, and EMS Personnel and their families in times of need”).
Brainerd Lakes Area Community Foundation 12-22-22
Karl Samp, Brainerd Lakes Area Community Foundation Executive Director, tells us how they provide innovative ways for area residents and businesses to give back to their community.
Aitkin County Public Health’s Freedom from Smoking Classes
Aitkin County Public Health’s Liz Short and Brea Hamsdorf discussed upcoming Smoking Cessation Classes coming on Tuesday in January and February at the Aitkin Public Library:
Wake the Lakes “DIMWIT-ZZZZ-DUMB for the Day”
–Manuals for TVs are regarded as useless, but in five thousand years they are as valuable as the Rosetta Stone: Most of those manuals have the same text in over 20 different languages and alphabets. –Tom and Jerry are best friends. But Tom has to pretend to hate Jerry in order to protect (Jerry) so…
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Aitkin Mayor Megan Workman on 12/21 Community Connection
City of Aitkin Megan Workman highlighted the efforts of snow removal from last week and this week, coordination in dealing with bitter cold temperatures, 2023 Levy and Budgets, and business and employment opportunities:
Weird and Wacky Wednesday: “Hippo Swallows Boy Whole, Spits Him Out”
(Katwe Kabatoro, Uganda) — A hungry hippopotamus in Uganda swallowed a toddler whole before spitting the child out. Police say the two-year-old boy was playing in his family’s house near Uganda’s western border when the animal attacked and swallowed him head-first. A man who saw what happened threw rocks at the hippo. The startled animal…
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