Category: Wake the Lakes

Local Radio

Crosby-Ironton Schools update on March 3rd Community Connection

Crosby-Ironton Schools Superintendent D. Jamie Skjeveland returned with an update on the troubling topic of Snow Days, the next round of construction coming this Summer, and keeping close tabs on the District’s Budget:

March 3, 2023 0

The Ripple Center on the March 2nd Community Connection

Christine Bright of the Ripple Center in Aitkin informed us of the upcoming shows at the downtown music venue for the Month of March and we were joined by Bob from Midnight River Choir gave us some background of their group ahead of their show on March 15th:

March 2, 2023 0

Wake The Lakes Dimwit-ZZZZ-Dumb for the Day

–There’s a massive difference between eating ramen noodles because you want to and eating them because you have to. –There are 1.2 billion cars on the road right now. One of our biggest goals is to keep them from touching. –The speed limit is the maximum speed you can go by the law and also…
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March 2, 2023 0

Aitkin Area Chamber of Commerce on March 1st Community Connection

Aitkin Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Taylor Erickson returned to give us an update on the Winter Wonderama event previously held, and upcoming events including Business After Hours at the Jaques Art Center, The Spring Open House and annual Chamber Dinner and Meeting, and the Tour of Opportunities:

March 1, 2023 0

Crosslake St. Patrick’s Day Parade & Celebration 2-28-23

Cindy Myogeto, Crosslake Chamber Director, and Bob Heales, Crosslake St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee Chair, preview the fun coming up on March 18, 2023!

March 1, 2023 0

Wake The Lakes Moron Lawbreaker for the Week: “Locksmith accidentally involved in car theft”

What’s the key to a successful auto theft? Getting a locksmith to make a key for the vehicle you’re trying to steal.  According to Sean Coffee, who was shocked to find his blue F-350 missing from a parking garage near Houston’s Hobby airport, that’s just what happened prior to it being stolen. Coffee says that…
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February 28, 2023 0

Crow Wing Food Co-op 2-27-23

The Crow Wing Food Co-op in Downtown Brainerd is celebrating two years in their beautiful location at 624 Laurel Street on Saturday, March 4th from 11am until 3pm. Angie Fox, General Manager joins the Wake the Lakes Morning Show to tell us more.

February 27, 2023 0

Medical Monday 2-27-23

February 27, 2023 0

Aitkin Police Department on February 27th Community Connection

Aitkin Police Chief Paul Ryan gave us updates on winter parking and snow removals procedures for the City of Aitkin, a recent drug bust and working wit the AIM VCET (Aitkin, Itasca, Mille Lacs Violent Crimes Enforcement Team), and having a full rotation of officers for the Department:

February 27, 2023 0