Mahnomen School Board News & Notes from June 13th Meeting

Mahnomen School Board News & Notes from June 13th Meeting

June 15, 2022 News -- KRJB-KRJM-KKCQ 0

Mahnomen, MN — Despite the end to free school lunch programs for families across the nation, the Mahnomen School District will still provide free lunches to families who don’t qualify for the Free and Reduced Program this coming year. The Mahnomen School Board made the decision at their regular monthly meeting on Monday night, June 13th. However, because Free and Reduced Lunch applications are a major driver behind district funding, Mahnomen Superintendent Jeff Bisek says it will still be a priority that families fill out those applications.

Also at this week’s meeting, the school board held their first reading of the new smudging policy. Smudging is a traditional Native American ceremony of burning sage for the purpose of cleansing or purifying a space. Superintendent Bisek says it’s always been a part of their tradition at the school, but there has never been a formal policy.

Under staffing, the district agreed to hire two new teachers in Brent and Leslie Miller and also approved creating a new K-12 Assistant Principal position.

And Superintendent Bisek provided an update on the remodeling project going on at the Elementary this summer.

The Mahnomen School Board also approved their preliminary 2022-2023 school budget.