Tag: Norman Mahnomen Public Health

Wash Your Hands

With cold and flu season here or almost upon us, Norman-Mahnomen public health RN Kelsey Merkens reminds us of a simple way to stay healthy this winter. Merkens also reminds you to get a flu shot.  While vaccinations don’t guarantee you won’t get the flu, vaccinations have been shown to reduce the severity of illness. 

December 11, 2023 0

National Influenza Vaccination Week

This is National Influenza Vaccination Week.  In other words, it’s a reminder to get a flu shot. Kelsey Merkens is a public health registered nurse with Norman-Mahnomen Public Health. Merkens says flu shots are for all of us, but especially the very young and older populations. While there may not be many flu cases yet,…
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December 5, 2023 0

Norman Mahnomen Public Health still seeking Opioid Settlement Advisory Council members

Sarah Kjono of Norman Mahnomen Public Health says that they are still seeking community members who are interested in the Opioid Settlement Advisory Council position. Kjono shares more. Kjono talks more on what kind of community members Norman Mahnomen Public Health is seeking for this council.  People interested in an Advisory Council position are encouraged…
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November 30, 2023 0

KRJB Kaleidoscope – Sarah Kjono (Norman Mahnomen Public Health)

Listen back to the KRJB Kaleidoscope with Sarah Kjono of Norman Mahnomen Public Health, from Tuesday, November 28.

November 29, 2023 0

November is Diabetes Awareness Month 

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and Kristy Rott of Norman Mahnomen Public Health wants to bring awareness to the growing issue that is Diabetes. While a lot of people have heard about Diabetes a lot of people don’t know what it is and Rott want’s to explain what Diabetes is and how it affects…
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October 30, 2023 0

Norman and Mahnomen Counties seeking applicants to join Opioid Settlement Advisory Council.

Norman and Mahnomen Counties are currently seeking applicants to join their respective Opioid Settlement Advisory Council. The council’s main objective is to recommend how funds are dispersed. The Council will advise Norman-Mahnomen Public Health and the Norman and Mahnomen County Board of Commissioners on how to utilize the Opioid Settlement funds most effectively, efficiently, and…
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October 16, 2023 0

Breast Cancer awareness and how to detect it 

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Tammy Carlsrud with Norman Mahnomen Public Health wants to remind women how they can better their chances of detecting breast cancer as early as possible.  Another way women can help their chances as an early detection is by scheduling regular mammogram appointments.  Carlsrud also highlighted some symptoms that…
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October 2, 2023 0

Norman Mahnomen Public Health Discusses Car Seat Installation and Transitioning 

Its Child Passenger Safety Week and Aimee Eggen from Norman Mahnomen Public Health wants to discuss proper car seat installation.  Many parents also have questions regarding car seat transition and when their child should move from a rear facing position to a front facing position. Eggen explains when parents should look to make this change. …
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September 18, 2023 0

Car Seat Safety Tips 

September 17 markets the beginning of Child Passenger Safety Week and Aimee Eggen has some car seat safety tips for families. One of the most common questions Eggen gets from parents are questions that ask what the best seat for their child is. Eggen gives her answer.  Another common question Eggen receives are questions regarding…
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September 16, 2023 0

Norman Mahnomen Public Health discusses Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month 

September is Suicide Prevention and Awareness month and Norman Mahnomen Public Health Wellness Coordinator Kim Myers wants to discuss what this month is all about and the importance of suicide awareness.  Myers also discussed discussed a local organization called the HOPE Coalition and the kind of work they’re doing to combat and bring awareness to…
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September 14, 2023 0