Voyageurs National Park Places Hazard Markers and Lifts No WakeRestriction on Namakan Basin

Voyageurs National Park Places Hazard Markers and Lifts No Wake
Restriction on Namakan Basin

July 6, 2022 News -- KSDM-KGHS 0

Lake levels within the Namakan Basin (Namakan, Kabetogama, and Sand
Point Lakes) of Voyageurs National Park have receded to the level to allow for the lifting of the No-Wake
restriction on Kabetogama, Namakan, and Sand Point Lakes. As a precaution and courtesy, park staff encourage all boaters to reduce their wake when traveling near any docks or infrastructure to minimize further challenges related to flood recovery.
Due to highwater persisting on Rainy Lake, the No-Wake restriction remains in effect. Boaters should restrict travel to idle speed within 300’ of any shoreline on Rainy Lake.
Voyageurs National Park staff have also completed the placement of all hazard markers throughout the Namakan basin of the park following delays due to flood conditions. Hazard markers are not yet in place on the park areas of Rainy Lake.
Voyageurs National Park encourages boaters to use extreme caution when traveling waterways at this time. High water conditions may cover unmarked hazards that are typically visible during low or regular water periods. Boaters should also remember that various hazards may develop at any time during the summer without warning, and these hazards may not be marked.